Multiplication chart

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Multiplication table

Multiplication table

Being familiar with the multiplication table is the first step for every person in learning mathematics. This article is about its real author, history of creation and distribution.

Each of us has come across the multiplication table more than once, flipping through a school textbook on mathematics. Everyone knows its usual form: rows and columns are factors, and at their intersection is the value of the product of these numbers.

Who invented the multiplication table

The multiplication table is also called the Pythagorean table in many languages, after the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras of Samos (570-495 BC), who is traditionally credited with creating the table. However, it is interesting that many historians do not share this position: a number of historical facts refute this. So, the age of the first found table, which allows calculating the product of these numbers, is about 4000 years. The numbers in this table are not familiar to us, as they refer to the hexadecimal number system. The oldest known multiplication table for decimal numbers is also older than Pythagoras. It was found on the territory of ancient China, which scientists consider to be the birthplace of the multiplication table.

The theory that the authorship of the multiplication table belongs to Pythagoras originates from the work of his student, Nicomachus of Geras. For the first time, the award of this merit to Pythagoras is found precisely in his writings. It is unlikely that historians will ever be able to find an answer to the question about the real creator of the multiplication table, however, acquaintance with the biography of its possible author and the history of distribution will be useful to every reader.

Scientific achievements and works of Pythagoras

The life of Pythagoras is shrouded in many misconceptions and legends. It is known that he opened the school of Pythagoras, the purpose of which was to obtain new knowledge, to form the foundations of mathematical, physical, geographical and other sciences. The contribution of the Pythagoreans to the development of a large number of scientific disciplines is difficult to overestimate: the influence of their work on their own merits was noted by such great scientists as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Nicolaus Copernicus.

Mathematics owes Pythagoras the creation of the doctrine of prime and composite, even and odd numbers, proportions, geometric and arithmetic averages. It is impossible to imagine the existence of mathematics without the famous Pythagorean theorem, the authorship of which is also attributed to the ancient Greek scientist. Moreover, Pythagoras made a significant contribution to the development of geometry, astronomy and philosophy.

Spread the multiplication table

For the first time, the multiplication table began to be used for teaching schoolchildren in medieval England. In parallel with this, she gained popularity in other countries of Europe and Asia.

It is believed that in Russia the publication of the first multiplication table took place in 1682 in the first printed mathematical book. Interestingly, this table contained products of pairs of numbers from 1 to 100. At present, copies of the book can be found in some Russian scientific libraries.

The development of mathematics, physics, chemistry and many other sciences would be impossible without ordering information about the operation of multiplying numbers. The Pythagorean table is a fundamental knowledge that every person needs: from young schoolchildren to adult readers who have graduated long ago.

Knowing the multiplication table will come in handy more than once in life for every person. Think about refreshing your knowledge or getting to know it for the first time - there is nothing difficult in learning the multiplication table!

How to memorize the multiplication table

How to memorize the multiplication table

Do you want to learn the multiplication table quickly and without unnecessary waste of nerves, but the task size scares you? We tell you how to start studying and save the maximum amount of time and energy resources.

Each of us has an idea of ​​what a multiplication table is: rows and columns are headed by numbers, and at their intersection - the product of two specific values. At first glance, the table may look intimidating and discourage the desire to learn it, but in fact everything is much clearer. This article is about how to make the monotonous and boring process of memorizing the multiplication table addictive and easy.

How to learn the multiplication table

Adhere to the following tips when learning the multiplication table if you want to achieve high-quality results.

  • Set yourself a clear goal. Realize the importance of achieving results and there will be no problems with motivation. Think about how often you use a calculator, wasting your time on it, instead of calculating everything yourself in your mind.
  • Start small. It will be helpful to start learning by multiplying by 1, 2, 3 and gradually build up momentum, moving on to the next stage only after fully mastering the covered.
  • Look at the table more often. For many people, visual information is remembered better. Print out the multiplication table and hang it near your workspace or put it on your phone wallpaper. The main thing is that her eyes often cling to her.
  • Don't rush things. Haste is the enemy of quality assimilation of information. In order for the multiplication table to be stored in memory for many years, it is necessary to approach its study with accuracy and care that does not tolerate haste.
  • Say out loud what you learn. Both at the initial stage and in the process of reviewing what you have learned, it will be useful to say the table out loud. Information received from different channels is better stored in long-term memory.
  • Repetition is the mother of learning! Just a couple of times a day in a free minute is enough to drive away what you have learned in your head: on the way to work or school, before going to bed or walking around the supermarket. Follow the regularity and the result will not keep you waiting!
  • Find patterns in the table. In studying the Pythagorean table, knowledge of some rules and patterns of the multiplication operation can become a significant helper. Here is some of them:
    • Multiplying one number by another is just adding itself to the number a certain number of times.
    • The multiplication table is symmetrical with respect to its main diagonal, since the product does not change when the factors change places. That is, your task becomes twice as easy!
    • When multiplied by 1, the number does not change.
    • When a number is multiplied by 5, the product will necessarily end in 0 or 5, and when multiplied by 10, it will end in 0.
    • When multiplied by 9, the sum of the digits of the resulting product will be equal to 9.
    • On your own, notice and find other patterns in the table - this way you will remember the necessary information faster and more reliably.
  • Support and praise yourself. A typical mistake most people make is to force themselves to do something and berate themselves for a bad result. Often this does not bring the expected results and makes you quit halfway through. Remember that you are doing this for yourself, so approach the task with confidence and calmness.
  • Get creative. You can find counting rhymes, songs, and poems online to help you learn the multiplication table. Try to read them or even learn them. This will not only help on the way to the goal, but also diversify the process a little.

As you can see, learning the multiplication table is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Follow these tips and you will definitely succeed!